ICPET 2022 | July 28-31, 2022 | Qinghai University, Xining, Qinghai, China

ICPET 2022-The 4th International Conference on Power and Energy Technology was held in Xining, Qinghai, China during July 28-31, 2022 successfully. The conference is co-sponsored by Qinghai University, North China Electric Power University, PES, IEEE, organized by New Energy (Photovoltaic) Industry Research Center, Qinghai University.
第四届电力与能源技术会议于7月28-31日在西宁青海召开由于新冠疫情影响,此次会议采用线上线下相结合的方式召开。本次大会由青海大学,华北电力大学, PES, IEEE 主办,青海大学新能源光伏产业研究中心承办。汇集了来自清华大学、上海交通大学、同济大学、电子科技大学、西南交通大学、山东大学、重庆大学、武汉大学、华北电力大学等众多高校近260名专家学者,一起参与到这场学术盛宴。历经4天,会议圆满落幕。


Publication of ICPET 2022 IEEE Conference Series


* ICPET 2022 proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS successfully within one month after online. ICPET 2022 会议论文集在上线后一个月内成功被EI 核心,SCOPUS 检索。
* ICPET 2022 has been online and included in IEEE Xplore. | ICPET 2022 会议论文集成功上线并入库与IEEE 数据库 (
* Proceedings information ISBN: 978-1-6654-8079-9
* ICPET 2022 is listed in IEEE conference Calendar | ICPET 2022 进入IEEE官方会议列表 (Read more)



Enjoy the Conference


ICPET 2022 invited distinguished 4 Keynote Speakers to deliver speeches, they

Prof. Shengwei Mei, Tsinghua University, Qinghai University, China
Speech Title: Jiangsu Jintan Salt Cavern Compressed Air Energy Storage Project: Technical research and Engineering Practice
Prof. Jizhong Zhu, South China University of Technology, China
Speech Title: AI Based Wind Power Forecasting Method Considering Shape and Time
Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Speech Title:How can DER and Microgrids enhance Power System
Prof. Alberto Borghetti, University of Bologna, Italy
Speech Title: Lightning Protection of a Multi-Circuit HV-MV Overhead Line

Then 6 speical sessions, 17 parallel sessions, one oral plash were held. Main discussed Artificial Intelligence Applications for Power System Stability Analysis and Control; Economic-Technical Research on Wind-Solar-Hydrogen-Cooling Energy System; The Electricity Market and the Utilization of Clean Energy; Transformers and Inverters; Smart Grid Control and Reliability Analysis, etc. Three best papers, five best student papres, 16 oral presentations, 2 best poster presentations were selected after competition.