Call for Tutorials Proposal

Tutorial Proposal Submissions | 专题报告征集
ICPET 2021 solicits proposals for Half-day Tutorials that complement the regular program with clear and focused coverage in new and emerging topics within the scope of conference. Tutorials are an opportunity for researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry to learn about the state-of-the-art research. Proposals should concisely describe the motivation, the content and the structure of the tutorial. 
A good tutorial should be educational rather than just a cursory survey of techniques. The topic should be of sufficient relevance and importance to attract significant number of participation.

Tutorial Proposal Format | 专题报告申请所需资料
Tutorial proposals (4 pages maximum) in PDF format (Column: Single, Font: Times Roman, Size: 11 pt) should be submitted by the prospective Tutorial Speaker (s). Tutorial proposal submission must include the following:

▶ Title of Tutorial | 专题报告题目
▶ Name, Affiliation, biography and E-mail of Tutorial Speaker | 报告者名字单位个人简介及邮箱信息
▶ Abstract (200-400 words) | 专题报告摘要
▶ Tutorial Length: 2 hrs | 报告时长2小时
▶ Submitted PDF file to ICPET 2021 Tutorial Track using email directly: 

Important dates for Tutorial proposal submissions | 专题报告申请截止日
Tutorial Proposal Submission:
10 January, 2021
 Acceptance Notification:
20 January, 2021