Special Session V

Planning, Integration and Operation Control of Digital Intelligent Energy Storage in Power and Energy Systems

With the proposal of dual carbon goals and the construction of new power systems, the scale of energy storage applications is growing rapidly. At the same time, with the continuous development of energy storage and the continuous improvement of the standard system, the application modes of various types of energy storage systems in different scenarios on the power supply side, power grid side and user side are constantly innovating, and the development prospect is very broad. On the other hand, in response to the demand for digital intelligent transformation and development in the power and energy storage industry, through the integration and application of digital intelligent technology, we can accelerate the innovative application of digital twin, virtual reality, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other digital technologies in the energy storage field. This can open up information barriers between different entities or data interaction links, and provide strong support for the sustainable development of various types of energy storage in the new power systems. At present, we are facing the initial stage of building a digital intelligent innovative application system for various aspects of the power storage industry, and the common key technologies that constrain the development of digital intelligent energy storage urgently need to be broken through.
This special session aims to explore the technical issues involved in the digital and intelligent transformation and development of energy storage systems, as well as the planning, configuration, and operation control of energy storage, and to provide more solutions for the efficient application of energy storage in power and energy systems. The session solicits and specially invites original research papers on innovative methods and technologies related to the digital integration and planning operation of energy storage systems.
In addition, this special session has also received support from academic organizations or technical committees such as IEEE PES Energy Storage and Stationary Battery Satellite Committee-China (Energy Storage System Operation and Control Subcommittee), IEEE CIS Task Force on ADP and RL in Power and Energy, Energy Storage Professional Committee of China Electrical Engineering Society, and Energy Storage Professional Committee of Beijing Electrotechnical Society, etc.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Planning and operational control of digital energy storage systems
• Digital and intelligent integration of electric energy storage systems
• Grid connection and intelligent scheduling control of energy storage systems
• Intelligent control and energy management of large-scale energy storage
• New technologies for digitalization and intelligence of energy storage systems
• Energy storage big data technology and application
• Policy mechanism and business model of energy storage systems
• Carbon trading and energy storage systems with digital intelligence
• Digital intelligence technology application in energy storage production management

Xiangjun Li, China Electric Power Research Institute, China

Xiangjun Li received the Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from the Kitami Institute of Technology (KIT), Kitami, Japan, in March 2006. He is the Director of Energy Storage System Integration and Configuration Technology Research Lab. Energy Storage and Electrotechnics Dept. at the China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI), Since Jun. 2019. He is a Fellow of IET, chartered engineer of UK, and is one of the senior members of IEEE, CSEE, CAS, and CES, etc. Prior to join the China Electric Power Research Institute in Mar. 2010, he was the Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Assistant Research Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, (2008.1–2010.3), the Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), Daejeon, Korea (2006.5–2007.12), respectively. His current research interests include the topic of digital intelligence/ planning configuration/ integration/ SCADA/ operation control/ application technologies for energy storage system/stations, distributed generation systems, electric vehicle, and micro-grids. He has published over 150 technical papers, over 120 patents, and 6 books. He was the recipient of the Advanced Individual in Science and Technology Work Award of State Grid Corporation of China, the CSEE China Electric Power Excellent Scientific and Technological Worker Award, First Batch Excellent Individuals in the Energy Storage Field of China-EU Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation, National Energy Administration of China, and IEEE PES China Satellite Technology Committee Distinguished Individual Contribution Award.

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