Special Session VI
Multidimensional Material Innovation and Collaborative Energy Management: Low-Carbon Technology Revolution for Intelligent Internet of Things (IoT)
— Focusing on the Cross-Integration of Thermoelectric Conversion, Thermal Energy Storage and Control, and Intelligent Soft Materials
Against the backdrop of global energy structure transformation and carbon neutrality targets, breakthroughs in energy technology are urgently needed to break through the limitations of single materials or systems, achieving multidimensional synergistic innovation of a "material-device-network". To this end, with "Multidimensional Material Innovation and Collaborative Energy Management" as the core theme, focusing on the cutting-edge intersection of thermoelectric conversion technology, thermal energy storage, and control technology, and intelligent soft materials, exploring their low-carbon and intelligent application scenarios empowered by IoT, aimed to build an interdisciplinary dialogue platform for the global academic and industrial communities, promoting a full-chain breakthrough of energy technology from microscopic material design to macro system integration.
Topic of interest include but are not limited to:
• High-performance thermoelectric material design and optimization of thermoelectric coupling mechanisms.
• Enhancement of energy efficiency and dynamic management strategies in thermoelectric-thermal energy integrated systems.
• Application scenarios of thermoelectric technology in low-carbon urban energy planning.
• High safety phase change thermal energy storage materials and composite structure design.
• Thermal runaway warning of power batteries and multi-scale heat dissipation technologies (liquid cooling/heat pipes/phase change materials).
• Strategies for renewable energy thermal storage systems and thermo-electric collaborative management.
• Thermal-mechanical behavior and life prediction of energy storage devices in extreme environments.
• Application of magnetically controlled micro-nano robots in micro-energy transfer and interface regulation.
• Functional design of intelligent soft materials in flexible thermoelectric devices and thermal energy storage devices.
nBiomimetic material-driven micro energy harvesting and conversion technology.
• Digital twinning and dynamic optimization of energy systems based on AIoT.
• Multi-material collaborative "thermal-electric-thermal storage" integrated intelligent energy networks.
• Application of micro-nano robot swarms in energy equipment monitoring and repair.
Tao Lin, Guangzhou City University of Technology, China
Dr. Tao Lin obtained his Ph.D. degree in Power Engineering and Engineering
Thermophysics from the School of Electric Power at South China University of
Technology. Currently, he serves as an Associate Professor at Guangzhou City
University of Technology, China. Dr. Lin is dedicated to research in thermoelectric conversion
technology and energy-efficient utilization technology. He has authored and
edited two publications and has published more than 20 SCI/EI papers. Dr. Lin
Tao also holds the role of Technical Committee member for the ICPET2022 and
ICPET2023 conferences, as well as the AEEES2023 international conference.
Jun Li, Kunming University, China
Dr. Jun Li graduated from Chongqing University with a Ph.D. in Power Engineering
and Engineering Thermophysics. Currently, he holds the position of lecturer at
the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Kunming University. Dr. Li's
research focuses on energy storage materials, battery thermal management
technology, and the thermal utilization of renewable energy. He has published
over 20 SCI papers and applied for more than ten patents.
Mingfeng Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Mingfeng Chen received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from South China University of Technology. During his doctoral studies, he conducted joint training at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA, and later pursued postdoctoral research at Harbin Institute of Technology. Currently, he holds the position of Associate Professor at Zhejiang University. His primary research interests lie in smart soft materials, including the self-assembly and external field control of two-dimensional materials, as well as the construction of functional materials based on two-dimensional materials such as zirconium phosphate, graphene oxide, and barium ferrite. Additionally, he is involved in the preparation and application of magnetically controlled micro-nanorobots. Dr. Chen has published over 20 SCI papers. He has been honored with the Kaneka Americas Holding, Inc. Scholarship, the National Scholarship for Graduate Students, financial support from the China Scholarship Council, and has been selected for the Talents Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
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