Special Session VII

Enhancing Power System Resilience with Multiple Emergency Resources under Extreme Disasters

With global climate change, extreme disasters are becoming more frequent and pose significant threats to the operation of power systems. Enhancing system resilience has therefore become a critical requirement for the development of new power systems, ensuring both stability and security of supply. To improve the power system's response capabilities during extreme disasters, it is essential to strengthen grid resilience through the strategic integration and utilization of multiple emergency resources. A diverse array of emergency assets, such as mobile generation units, energy storage systems, islanded microgrids, and more, is leveraged to facilitate power restoration and maintain operational stability during catastrophic events. The involvement of various types of emergency resources introduces new challenges to resilient power system operations, necessitating the exploration and analysis of potential operational models for coordinating these resources under extreme disaster conditions.


Yunyun Xie, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

Yunyun Xie is an associate professor at the School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He has long been engaged in research on the operation and control technologies of power systems under extreme conditions. He has published 24 SCI-indexed papers as the first (corresponding) author and has been granted 26 invention patents. He has undertaken several vertical scientific research projects, including a National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program, as well as more than ten horizontal projects in cooperation with enterprises. He has also received one second prize for scientific and technological progress at the provincial or ministerial level.


Kai Hou, Tianjin University, China

Kai Hou is an Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Automation and Information Engineering, Tianjin University, and Vice Chairman of the Tianjin Power Supply Society. He has long been engaged in research on the reliability and resilience assessment of power systems and integrated energy systems. He has published 33 SCI-indexed papers as the first (corresponding) author. He holds 21 invention patent applications. As the principal investigator, he has led more than 10 research projects, including general and youth projects funded by the National Natural Science. He has won 1 provincial and ministerial-level Science and Technology Progress Awards (Second Class), and was selected for the Chinese Electrotechnical Society’s Youth Talent Program.

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